Today was sort of the first day of actual, visible, construction – very exciting!
We built the platform for the bows, and started to establish the template. Each bow will be 1/2 an arch, and will be built on a jig, which is fixed onto this platform. Hopefully, once we get the shape right, we’ll be able to put together the bows in a bit of an assembly line. Because we’re expanding the design a bit (by 2 feet) we will need to do a little glueing for extra support, so that will add some time, as we wait for the glue to set up. But we’re hoping that the bows will be fairly quick. The two sides of the bows are held apart by two different size spacers: 4 inches or 7 inches. Total 7 inch spacer:120 Total 4 inch spacers: 300! Radial arm saw to the rescue!
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